Friday, June 19, 2009

The War on Homosexuals Ends Now - The Christian Perspective on Legislating Morality

As a Born-Again, Evangelical Christian, I must admit that I would love to live in a nation that basis it’s morality on Christian values. I strongly believe that following that values and moral set by the Bible is the formula for a nation's true success.

This will one day happen (i.e. Second Coming of Christ). Until then, what kind of a society should Christians create? More so, what does this have to do with homosexuality?

I believe in legislating morality. I believe that there should be laws and punishments based on Christian morality, but the truth is I live in a country that is not comprised of Christians. The United States is comprised of Christians, Muslims, Athiests, Buddists ... you get the point. As a Christian I can not enforce my faith on those who don't agree with me.

Matthew 22:36-40 states:

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

All of laws of the Bible can be summed up into two categories: Love God. Love your neighbor.

I have two issues that I'm pretty passionate about today: Abortion and Equality for Gays.

I am very Pro-Life. I do not believe in abortion as a form of contraception and as a father of a daughter born to teens, I believe every life is precious.

I am in support of equality for gay. Primarily, I support Gay Marriage in America.

So if I'm an Evangelical Christian, then how can I be against abortion and for gay marriage.

It's simple. When it comes to legislating morality, you can't legislate the "Love God" commandments. You can not create laws that force Americans to worship the God of the Bible. You can not create laws that force American to accept Christ as their savior, to not work on Sunday and tithe 10% to the church (insert tax comment here).

What you can legislate is the "Love your neighbor" laws. We can write laws that punish those who would hurt their neighbor. This is why murder is illegal, stealing, lying under oath, etc.

Abortion kills another human being out of convenience.

But what about homosexuality? We addressed that in a recent blog. Two consenting adults who love each other and want to get married is "loving your neighbor" (literally in some cases). No one is hurt physically, emotionally, or mentally.

Most Evangelical Christians believe that homosexuality is a sin. This sin would be classified as a "Love God" sin. It's wrong only because it's not the way God designed marriage.

Here's something to think about. If homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes, then you have to accept that divorce is a sin and we would write laws that make divorce illegal. If we're so adamant about outlawing gay marriage then you need to be just as adamant about making divorce illegal.

Divorce has done far worse damage to the Christian family then gay marriage could ever do.


faktb said...

Children of homosexual marriages are harmed. They are taught that homosexual relationships are moral and healthy. [I assume that you as a Christian do not want these children to be taught this.] Don't you believe that if possible and in general (failed cases excluded), a child should have a mother and a father (and not two females or two males as parents)?

A law against the morality of homosexual marriage is necessary in order to protect these innocent children.

By the way, legalizing gay marriage is also a form of legislating morality. So in the end, both sides are participating in legislating morality.

Indeed we failed to upholding the sanctity of marriage by loosening the law for divorce. However, the solution is NOT to make marriage even less sacred by allowing gay marriage. Two wrongs don't make a right.

It should be noted that the state doesn’t endorse marriage because people have feelings for one another. The state endorses marriage primarily because of what marriage does for children and in turn society.

The law has a two-fold effect on morality. It has the effects of promoting good behavior and discouraging bad behavior.

E.g. After slavery was outlawed, society has in turn regarded slavery as immoral.

E.g. More of society today considers divorce as acceptable and moral.

E.g. More of society today considers abortion as acceptable and moral.

If gay marriage is legalized, then society will increasingly see homosexuality as acceptable and moral. [And we as Christians are commanded by God to speak the truth in telling others that homosexuality is a sin and immoral.]

My Pal Al said...

Check my latest blog as a response.