I would write more, but I feel that I have a lost to say and I don’t exactly know how to organize my thoughts. Yesterday, while watching Star Trek, I had got a bunch of comments from my
Gay Marriage, Miss California and Perez Hilton blog from a particular anonymous fella (I assume it’s a dude). He brought up a few points that I wanted to address. You can find the original comments on my
previous blog entry. Oh well, here we go.
Point #1 - If homosexual "marriages" are recognized by federal and state governments, there will be no principled reason to oppose new federal laws forbidding discrimination in hiring based on sexual orientation. Churches, synagogues, mosques, religious schools, and faith-based charities, as well as secular organizations of every kind, would be subject to a new kind of government scrutiny.
Response #1 – This is a completely false statement. Since the beginning of this country, religious institutions have been given the right to “discriminate” in its hiring practices and rightfully so. A Christian church is allowed by law to never hire a muslim, and vice-versa. They are allowed by law to never hire of woman as pastor, regardless of qualification. Religious institutions are allowed to hire and fire based on the organizations religious beliefs. Church can “discriminate” based on any arbitrary reason that it deems as right. If gay marriage passes, the government is not going to be shutting down churches.
Point #2 - The legalization of homosexual "marriage" would invite an ongoing assault on individuals and organizations that uphold traditional marriage or have moral or religious objections to the practice of homosexuality.
Response #2 – Not sure what rock you’ve been living under but as Christians we are already being assaulted. We’re being told that sex before marriage is normal. We’re told that divorce is an easy way to get out of a “bad” relationship and that killing an unborn child is a choice and the consideration of life is meaningless. The thing about Gay Marriage is that, yes it redefines the term family from a governmental and societal standpoint, but that does not mean it is redefined to me. If Gay Marriage is the law of the land, it does nothing to affect my love and commitment to my wife. She’ll still get all my stuff when I die. My daughter is not going to wonder why I married a woman, and she’ll still be free to choose whomever she wishes (with my approval) her spouse.
Point #3 - The legalization of homosexual "marriage" will greatly accelerate these pressures to marginalize the nation's religious communities and the values that define them. In some countries, speaking publicly against homosexuality has been criminalized.
Response #3 – I’m assuming we’re both Christians. We both believe Jesus is God and died for our sins. We both believe the Bible is the Word of God. If this is true, then we believe that God is Omnipotent. If this is true, then no matter how the country defines the American Family, my God is still bigger than that and that God’s people and His church will never be marginalized. If you feel that your ability to live a Christian life is be harder, than your God is smaller than He really is. Regarding the criminalization of speaking publicly against homosexuality…Good thing you live in the United States. By the way, go to Iran, and you’ll watch them round up gays and murder them.One last thing about the fall of the United States…do you honestly believe that when gays get married, they’re going start rounding up Christians and throwing them in jail. You can not blame the state of Christianity in America on the Homosexual community. The fall of the church in America will be our own fault because we chose to influence the world by legislating morality rather than living it in our own communities. We are called to be Christ-like in a lost world and show compassion to a lost people. We were not called to be legislative warriors of morality.
Point #4 - The deconstruction of marriage will affect what children are taught in virtually every subject at public schools.
Response #4 – Since when did we give up the teaching of our children to public schools? I have a responsibility as a parent to raise my children with the beliefs and morals that I believe in. If you’re relying on public schools to do this, then you need to reconsider how you’re raising your children. My children are going to be taught evolution, she’ll be given condoms, taught that fetus is not a life, that Christians have ruined western civilization. Believe me, two people of the same sex wanting to be married is the least of my concerns. I’d rather promote abstinence, prevent abortions and promote the value of religion before going after gay marriage.
Point #5 - You are proposing that we disband a scriptural (biblical) basis for morality.
Response #5 – I would love a government that bases it’s morality on a Biblical foundation. A Christian Theocracy is what we’re looking for. Newsflash: this has already been attempted. It’s called the Old Testament. The Theocracy failed because we tried to impose God-honoring rules on a people who did not fully love God. Biblical morality works on you and me only because we have a relationship with God. But trying to impose these rules on non-believers won’t work and leads to what we have today.
As you know, the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Then we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. As I mentioned in a previous blog, Gay marriage is a victimless sin. It’s the joining of two people of the same sex. It does not hurt me in any way. It does not hurt you. Nor does it hurt anyone outside of the two. You can claim that it hurts God, but again, you can not legislate laws based on the greatest commandment, otherwise we’d have to create laws based on keeping the Sabbath and attending church and taking communion.
I've mentioned this before to others, the Bible clearly states that all people are God's children. All in need of a savior. My goal is to bring all people to Christ, even homosexuals.
You know that when it is all said and done, God is not going to pat you on the back and say thanks for saving the family. He's more interested in the souls you brought to Christ.