Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sad Week Indeed for Me

This has been a rough week emotionally speaking.
1. Republicans lose Congress.  As much as I hated to see this happen, I was emotionally prepared for it.  I've got my opinions, but really the Republicans have a horrible PR machine and they let the Democrats control public debate.  The problem now is that the Democrats really don't have any solutions.  Their entire message this election was "we're not Republicans."
2.  Britney and K-Fed.  So sad.  We can all stop getting married now, because the perfect marriage is no longer attainable.  I knew things were going bad when Reece and Ryan broke up.  I have to believe this is a great reason to teach abstinance.
3.  Bud Black now the manager of the San Diego Padres.  All the Angels need is to lose one of their core coaches.  Good luck, Bud.
4.  Lost is off the air for 13 weeks.  What a cliff hanger too.
I should start drinking.

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