Monday, January 14, 2008

Democratic Mud Slinging - Tactic #1: Blow anything said about race out of proportion.

I love primary season.  I get to watch Democrats drag each other through the mud, just to become President.  Sadly when the primaries are over, they use the same tactics they used on each other and then sling it at Republicans and then complain that they run the virtuous campaign.

Don’t believe me?  Let’s go back in time when Al Gore and Bill Bradley where running for the Democratic nomination.  Al Gore sent his attack dogs, Chris Lehane and Mark Fabiani, after Bill Bradley and they were merciless on him.  Bradley took the high road and would not use dirty tactics to get elected and Bradley lost.  After Gore won the nomination, where was Bradley?  He was nowhere.  I believe he was livid at the Gore campaign, Bradley refused to campaign for Gore.  And the rest is history.

It’s 2008 and now we see Clinton and Obama going at it.

You’ve probably heard about the Dr. King debacle.  Sen. Clinton, attempting to respond to Obama comparing himself to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., said, “Dr. King’s dream began to be realized when President Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964…It took a president to get it done.”  Not the smartest statement but hardly racist. 

Obama then attacks Clinton for denigrating the accomplishments of civil rights activist.  Can you imagine if George Bush had made that statement?  We’d be talking about the racist Republicans.  The fact is that the Obama camp took one sentence out of context and has blown it out of proportion.

I’m not a Hillary supporter by any means.  I’m just pointing out the tactics Democrats are using on each other, just so you can see them use it in the Presidential campaign.

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