Monday, May 11, 2009

The War Ends Now: Homosexuals - The Forgotten Mission Field

My friend responded again to my post and I wanted to take a moment to address a few of this point. I'm going split his response into two parts. The first is the Gay mission field. The second part I want to address the affect of Gay Marriage on the morality of the world. Let's tackle the missions field.

Point #1 - It's not just about preserving the family. Think about the next generation who will be taught that homosexuality is moral. There is the danger of losing them (In terms of numbers, the next generation vastly outnumbers the homosexual population).

Response #1 – Since when has homosexuality become the sins that going to ruin the next generation for God. If you’re claiming that we’re in danger of losing untold numbers, I hate to break the news to you, we’ve lost it. Pedophile priests, Youth pastors dating the teens they are supposed to shepherd. Believe me, we’re giving reason enough to drive people away from God. Let’s not single out homosexuals.

Point #2 - Also Romans 1 suggests that homosexuals are set in their ways, since they have willingly suppressed the truth and their knowledge of God. I highly doubt that homosexuals will turn to Christ if same-sex marriage is legalized. If you have any hard evidence otherwise, I'd love to see it.

Response #2 – Have you given up already? If you understand anything about missions, no one is ever set in the ways. Let me direct you to the story of Don Richardson and the peace child. If you honestly believe that the homosexual community has hardened their hearts, then Your God is way too small and is not as powerful as you think. Then Christ’s Love is not compelling enough to draw people to Him.

Point #3 - Your method is loving, no doubt, but what about the other crucial component, i.e., truth? Jesus was both loving and truthful; and we ought to follow His example. As a result we ought to love homosexuals but speak the truth to them about the wrongfulness of homosexuality in a loving way. The loving truth is that same-sex marriage is not appropriate in the eyes of God.

Response #3 – We kind of agree here. There is love and there is truth as well. But there is a difference with Truth and how we proclaim the Truth. Truth is Truth and the Bible is the most tangible document of God’s truth. But the issue we have is how we tell the lost about the truth.

1 Corinthian 13:1-2 – “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.”

You can possess the absolute truth, but if you can’t communicate that with love, then your message is rendered useless. Yes, I’m taking the loving method, because I can actually talk individual gay and straight and show them who Christ is.

Now if by love, you tell me that for the sake of their soul and happiness, they need to turn from their “sinful” ways or if by love, you tell the gay community that if they repent then God will accept them. But read the Gospels, he never spoke this way to sinners and the lost. He spoke exclusively with harsh words to the religious who claimed that they represented God (Pharisees). He showed nothing but compassion to the lost and yes, even spoke the truth in love. Let me refer you to the woman at the well.


faktb said...

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comments. I admire your passion; may the Lord richly bless your ministry.

For Point #1, Agreed. The church must not single out any group who is in moral failure. We must take a moral stand against pedophile priests, youth pastors dating teens, and homosexuals. And we must do so all at the same time. So let’s be clear to express our disapproval of pedophile priests, corrupt youth pastors, and yes, homosexuality.

The battle for morality is a battle which Christians eventually will lose (though we will be victorious with Christ ultimately), but we must nonetheless keep fighting, for that is our duty as Christ’s representatives to uphold the truth. And again, we must keep up the fight on all fronts: by condemning ALL sin such as pedophilism, corruption, AND homosexuality.

For point #2, Do you have any evidence that homosexuals will come to Christ if same-sex marriage is legalized? I think a better, biblical approach is to be as loving as possible to homosexuals by befriending them, inviting them to our homes, and allowing them to become part of our lives while at the same time communicating to them in a loving as possible tone and manner that God does not approve of same-sex marriage. By supporting same-sex marriage, you, as Christ’s representative, are sending the erroneous message to society that such is acceptable in the sight of God.

For point #3, Your example of the woman at the well is good. Jesus spoke lovingly to her, but at the same time, he revealed her sin to her. We must do the same. We must speak in a loving manner to homosexuals, not by compromising the truth by telling them that same-sex marriage or homosexuality is acceptable, but by giving the honest truth about what the Bible teaches on homosexuality. Again, we must be as compassionate as possible, but at the same time, we must be as truthful as possible.

We must build wonderful friendships with homosexuals, and at the same time, we must be clear to them that homosexuality and same-sex marriage is not right in the eyes of God.

faktb said...

Also, Many apologies for bombarding your blog. The reason is that this issue has been heavy on my heart recently. I greatly appreciate your willingness to dialogue. Thanks for being a brother. Many blessings to you.

faktb said...

By the way, what do you think Jesus would say if you asked him, "Do you think same-sex marriage is appropriate?" Obviously he would so "no".

Now what do you think Jesus would say if you asked him, "Do you think same-sex marriage should be legally recognized?"

My thinking is that whatever answer he would give (and he would give a profound one indeed!), he would not give the answer "yes, same-sex marriage should be legally recognized."

My Pal Al said...

Again, thanks for writing back. I'm not going to respond to everything but I will address certain topics in the future blogs. I would also point you to the other blogs I've written.

I do want to address a two things you brought up. I have as much evidence that Homosexual will come to the Lord if gay marriage is legal, as you have of Homosexuals coming to the Lord if it remains illegal. I believe legalizing Gay Marriage is an olive branch to show that Christians are not the enemy and will open the door for us to share the gospel. (As simple as this sound, you know the issue is more complex - read future blogs.)

You then paint a picture of befriending Homosexuals and inviting them into your home. I know of very few Christians who are against gay marriage who would actually do this. In fact, homosexuality is so heinous, that the thought of having a homosexual in their home is repugnant. A picture very opposite of Christ.

In a blog or two, I'll address likening a homosexual to a pedophile priest or corrupt youth pastor. You'll see that the priest and youth pastor are predators attacking innocent children. The vast majority of homosexuals are not predators and do not engage in sins such as incent, molestation and rape.

Unknown said...

Hey, have you checked out the Marin Foundation? They've done a lot of work in this area.