Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Compassion Peddlers, Mediums and Ghost Whisperers

If you are in a profession of compassion, you have a responsibility to use your power for good.
Remember that I'm a conservative, born-again Christian before you read this.
I just ordered the 3rd season of Penn & Teller's Bullsh*t.  I am such a big fan of this show, except for the part where they discuss religion.  What I like about this show is that they expose people who exploit people who are hurting.
The biggest villain in my life are those who I will call "Compassion Peddlers."  These are people who use compassion to manipulate others for their own selfishness.  You will recognize they frauds because they will show you a great amount of compassion and in return you'll give them money, fame or power.
Who are these people?
  • Psychics
  • Mediums
  • Herbal Medicine Peddlers
  • Some Ministers, Healers and Pastors (especially those on Television)
These people basically tell you what you want or need to hear, take your money and move on with life.  The problem is that rather tell you that you should follow basic common sense, they tell you this advice is from nature, aliens, the psychic aura, a dead relative or God.
In the article, I'll discuss for a moment Mediums.  People who claim to talk to the dead.  Watch any show where there is a person talking to the dead, like John Edwards.  I won't go into how they do it but it's all B.S.  Essentially what they do is claim to speak for a dead loved one and then offer a peace of advice, such as I love you, be strong, let me go and be happy.
To some degree this is nice, they are at least not telling you to do something stupid like rob a bank.  The problem is that they are Bastardizing the memory of your loved one.  For this example, your father passed away.  You have memories of your father, both good and bad.  But these are real memories and you should cherish them, because it defines that person in your life.
Now comes a medium who tells you that your father loves you and admits that he wasn't a perfect father and now is the time to let go and let him "cross over."  The problem is...YOUR FATHER NEVER SAID THAT.  Now you have this "medium's" words and this session to screw around with your real memories of that person.  Sure the words of the medium may be benign but again, that's not your father saying it.  It's a false father and now they have damaged your memories of someone special.

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