Thursday, September 08, 2005

Who Are Your Enemies

Who Are Your Enemies?

If you are a normal person in the world, you have enemies. Sadly, I always envisioned my enemies being evil demons lurking in the shadows, but alas, my enemies have always appeared as wolves in angels clothing.

As I’ve pondered my enemies, I have noticed one common trait amongst them all. It’s the trait of insecurity. All of my enemies have had a horrible self-image and I believe that there was something about me that they were jealous about. The actions of my enemies were always to appear friendly to my face but tear me down behind my back. The reason I know their actions is that others have told me about it.

I have had three notable enemies in my life and I’ll talk about them over time. Let’s just say that my enemies were Aggressive-Controlling personalities. I am a Passive-Aggressive personality. The two will never mix.

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