Thursday, October 25, 2007

Big Herbalife Day

Well, today is the day.  I am making my first set of phone calls for our new Herbalife business and, needless to say, I'm nervous.  I've gone through all of the training and I feel confident that I can do it, but I'm nervous none the less.  Maybe a little stressed. (Please pray for me).
Anyways from the weight loss standpoint, I am officially under 200 pounds and I'm excited about this.  I figure I can lose 5-10 pounds more and I'll be where I need to be.  Then it's off to the gym for some muscle building.  I definitely can see the difference.  My double chin is going away and my belly is starting to shrink.
The best part is that I'm doing this without starving myself.  I have three meals a day and I'm taking the vitamins so I know I'm keeping healthy.  I love this program.
If you want more information at this diet please do not hesitate to contact me or visit my website at
Alan Ng


Karen said...

Hey Alan,

Where are you from? I'm an Herbalife Distributor as well, have my email set up for alerts on the word Herbalife and that's how I found your post. Can I ask you, what are you going to be doing on these calls, are you "selling" or are you offering information and "help" on how people whom you ARE calling can find what they are looking for?

Something to think about.

The only reason why someone might be nervous IS because they are usually "selling" someone something and that always leaves you open for rejection. But if you ask the person/lead "how can I help you" and find out what it is they ARE looking for, and you provide the solution to what they are looking for, how can they reject you?

Something to think about.

My Pal Al said...

Thanks Karen,

I'm in Southern California. Thanks for your help. I'm just nervous because it's my first time.

How long have you been a distributor?